Our Team

  • Name Huei-Chen Ko
  • Title Director
  • Current job Professor & Vice President
  • Tel 886-4-2332-3456 (ext. 3613)
  • Main Position To develop the Center plans and supervise the execution of associated operations
  • Professional Experiences Education
    l Ph.D., Division of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, Graduate School, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,(1982-1989)
    l M.S., Department of Psychology, Graduate School, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.(1980-1982)
    l B.S., Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.(1976-1980)

    Research fields
    l Clinical and Counseling Psychology
    l Experimental and cognitive psychology
    l Interpersonal communication training
    l Pressure Adjustment
    l Problem Solving Training
  • Name Shan-Nan Jiang
  • Title Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
  • Tel (04) 23323456#1903
  • Main Position Contribute to the execution of the Center associated operations
  • Professional Experiences Education
    M.S., Institute of Behavioral Medicines, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University

    Research fields
    Clinical Psychology, Psychological Assessment, Group Psychotherapy
  • Name Chun-Hsien Kuo
  • Title Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
  • Tel 86-4-2332-3456 (ext. 1825, 48099)
  • Main Position Contribute to the execution of the Center associated operations
  • Professional Experiences Education
    Ph.D in Psychology, Graduate School of Psychology, National Chung-Cheng University
    Master in Science, Graduate School of Psychology, National Chung-Cheng University
    Bachelor in Science, Department of Psychology, National Cheng-Chi University

    Research fields
    Eye-tracking analysis, animal model of addiction
  • Name Pin-Yang Yeh
  • Title Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
  • Tel (04) 23323456#8001
  • Main Position Contribute to the execution of the Center associated operations
  • Professional Experiences Education
    PhD of Clinical Psychology, National Cheng Kung University

    Research fields
    Psychological hygiene, Shinrei psychotherapy, Psychological equilibrium, Psychopathology
  • Name Hsinhui Wu
  • Title Lecturer, Department of Psychology
  • Tel 886-4-2332-3456 (ext. 1738)
  • Main Position Contribute to the execution of the Center associated operations
  • Professional Experiences Education
    Candidate of Ph.D., Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin – Madison.
    Master of Science, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin – Madison.
    Bachelor of Science, Department of Psychology, National Chengchi University.

    Research fields
    Adolescent psychology, education in math learning, children development
  • Name Yuqi Liao
  • Main Position Contribute to the execution of the Center associated operations
  • Name angelica Kao
  • Title Full-time assistant(CONTACT WINDOW)
  • Email
  • Main Position Contribute to the execution of the Center associated operations